Mass Observation is the name of a movement which was started about a year ago by a group of people interested in providing the historian of the future with a true documentation of contemporary life. If was felt that social surveys, such as the brilliant ÒMiddletownÓ relied too much on reported as opposed to observed fact, that too little opportunity was given for those actually living in certain surroundings to describe them. A letter in the weekly press asking for helpers drew replies from about fifty people. As a form of training in observation these volunteers were asked to supply the following information:Ñ (a) A short report on themselves. (b) A description of their environment. (c) A list of objects on their mantelpieces. (d) A day survey, an account of all that they saw and heard on the twelfth day of the month. Six months after the first meeting Mass Observation was able to organise a national survey of Britain on Coronation Day. A team of fifteen reported on the actual procession, while from provincial towns and villages reports came in on local celebrations. From these Òmass observationsÓ the first full-length book has been compiled, shortly to be published. AIMS AND METHODS The name of this movement was chosen for its ambiguity: observation of the masses and by the masses. There are now about fifteen hundred active observers who are periodically sending in to 6, Grotes Buildings, Blackheath, not only day surveys but replies to questionnaires on such subjects as class distinctions, behaviour at mealtimes, reading habits. This national network, which is still increasing, works from the individual observer outwards, one task of Mass Observation being to see how the individual is linked up with society and its institutions. Direct observation of the masses is also being done by a group of full-time research workers in an industrial town. Their method is to start from the outside and to work inwards, getting into the society and so coming to the individual. Their methods differ from those of most sociologists, mainly in the degree of scepticism with which they approach their problem. The manner of approach is rather that of anthropologists, studying the beliefs and the behaviour of an unknown people. From neither method will results come quickly, but some of the data sent to Blackheath has an interest independent of its value in the whole picture of modern England. Already the tribal framework of society is emerging; already the detailed descriptions of how people are living, for instance, on municipal housing estates, are proving of value to architects. Political candidates have shown interest in the study that Mass Observation has made of the gap between political formulae and the everyday life of the people. INTELLECTUALS AND WORKERS One fact of interest that has emerged from the day surveys is the difficulty intellectuals seem to have in describing their environment or the daily happenings in their lives. Time and time again environment for an intellectual seems to mean ÒpeopleÓ and no more. On the other hand, observation seems to come naturally to people who are living a workaday existence. These take their task seriously and perform it efficiently, perhaps because they recognise the practical value of any attempt to sort out the tangle of modern life. The following extract from a coalminerÕs description of his July 12 are by no means exceptional:Ñ ÒI had descended the pit at 10.45 p.m. the day previous, and what I was doing exactly at 12.1 am. on the 12th July I couldnÕt say. I had previously examined the state of my working place, and being satisfied had commenced to fill coal into tubs, and with two others were busy at about 12.30, and received a visit from the deputy. He led off examining our place; it comprises about 50 yards of coal face. My eye follows where his BullÕs-eye flashes. He asks what I intend to do at this place, or what is required at that place. I differ with him on one point, and state my method. We argue for a short while, he from the point of view of a probable breakdown in ventilation, I from the point of view of it causing us more work, interfering with our earnings, and at the same time justifying my method, which in the long run will give him a more adequate system of ventilation. We finally agree, and with a final Do this, and that, and that, and that, and that! he leaves us. We are clothed in a pair of boots, stockings, and a pair of knickers, just around our middles. Perspiration rolls off us, our knickers are wet, of time we have no knowledge. If we continue as we are doing we shall have a good shift. We are well into our stride. My six pints of water is being reduced, had better go steady. ÒThen comes the time of which (it is said) Napoleon spoke. Two oÕclock. I can always tell it. I become lethargic, everything seems so much effort. I yawn. I wonder why it is. I noticed it in the trenches at France but towards two oÕclock one does feel so feeble. All seem to be affected by it. This morning, however, we must carry on for a while. I pull myself together, and am glad when that particular job is done, and at 2.45 we sit down for our Òsnap.Ó A few pieces of bread and butter, jam (home made), and cake. I used to take cheese but it gave me heartburn. I really donÕt want any food, but itÕs a rest. Five oÕclock arrives, we have accomplished what we set out to do, feel rather elated. Drink the last of six pints of water, and get dressed. We ascend the shaft and note on arriving it is a nice day. Arrive home sleepy and tired. I let myself in. I am never hungry. IÕm always sleepy. The wife has been concerned about this part of the night-shift wanting to get up before I get home. I fail to see the necessity for it. IÕm rotten company, and I see no reason to upset others, so I tell her to stay until I have bathed. ÒOn entering the house I first look for matches and cigarettes, and secures a cigarette, lights it and smoke. ItÕs the one consolation. Heavens, how sleepy I am, how inviting the old rocking chair looks. No, I mustnÕt sit down, what a struggle to get to the bathroom and turn on the taps. However I do it. I get the black pit dust off, then turn on the cold water, how refreshing, then a brisk rub and on with clean clothes. I feel much better. Ò7 a.m. The wife, I hear, is now stirring, but I think if I sit down and wait for her to cook my breakfast I shall fall asleep, so proceed to do the cooking myself. Cooks bacon and egg, makes tea, takes a cup upstairs to the wife. She is coming down. Takes breakfast during which my lad (9) comes down, yawning and rubbing his eyes. I make ready to go to bed, suddenly remembers I have important letter to write. I set to, and dress to go to post. On coming out meet G. We commenced discussion, joined by T. and R., very interesting but IÕm not on form, IÕm tired. Mention this to others, it hasnÕt effect of ending conversation, but only to change it, the topic being ÔHow close we are tied to our work.Õ I suggest it is not the work so much, but the uncertainty of the thing. We have that continual background of uneasiness. Here is nothing secure, we work to live, not live to work, work it appears is the only tangible thing in our lives, and to what end? ÒWe break up. I proceed home, and on arrival discover I had not posted the letter. How I hate myself for being so forgetful. At 11.45 I proceed to bed. I remember nothing until 8 p.m. I get up and get ready for the pit. I feel A1, had a topping sleep, and set about a hearty meal. I try to look happy, but inwardly how I loathe this shift. I bid all good night and away. Hear rumours of lads coming out on strike. Will our lads come out. With another I proceed to a special job. Just finish it when Deputy arrives. ItÕs 12.15 Tuesday, another day gone. Started in the pit and it ended there.Ó Apart from its other values, does not such a report suggest how Mass Observation can help to supply such data as may help to remove ignorance and misunderstanding between classes?